
Coronavirus / Covid-19

Moving Home and Managing Properties Safely During Lockdown

The Scottish Government has released information and guidelines for those who are moving home, viewing properties, and renting or mortgaging a property under current coronavirus lockdown restrictions. Whilst home moves are permitted during lockdown, these guidelines emphasise the importance of safe conduct to ensure that all home move-related activities can be carried out safely.  Moving …

Moving Home and Managing Properties Safely During Lockdown Read More »

Covid-19 Vaccination Scams – Email, SMS, and Telephone: Varied Approaches have received a number of contacts relating to scammers falsely offering Scottish consumers the Covid-19 vaccination. Scammers have been reaching out to consumers using different methods, including email, SMS, and telephone. 79% of the consumers who contacted since December of last year in relation to Covid-19 vaccination scams received these requests via email from …

Covid-19 Vaccination Scams – Email, SMS, and Telephone: Varied Approaches Read More »

Construction During Lockdown – Renovations, Restrictions, and Consumer Rights

For home and property owners, Scotland’s lockdown restrictions entail ongoing constraints to residential construction and renovation. It is beneficial to be mindful of the limitations, practices, and approaches when contracting or completing work on your home or building during lockdown. With Scotland set to remain under an extended lockdown until mid-February, following new guidance from …

Construction During Lockdown – Renovations, Restrictions, and Consumer Rights Read More »

Covid-19 Scams – Fake Tests and Fraudulent Vaccinations

Throughout the pandemic, have seen scammers targeting consumers, with scams including the sale of fake PPE and the targeting of the Test and Protect programme. Criminals are now targeting the crucial roll-out of the vaccination programme. have received reports of Covid-19 vaccination scam emails and texts sent to consumers containing links to websites …

Covid-19 Scams – Fake Tests and Fraudulent Vaccinations Read More »

Using Video Conferencing Applications and Software Safely this Festive Season

With the announcement of tier 4 restrictions across Scotland taking effect from Boxing Day, many of us will be turning again to video conferencing as an alternative to physically attending gatherings this New Year’s Eve. With the various platforms that are out there, ensuring that any interaction is safe and secure is as important now …

Using Video Conferencing Applications and Software Safely this Festive Season Read More »

Travel Refunds: Light at the End of the Tunnel…For Some

Many consumers continue to experience difficulties in obtaining refunds for travel cancelled due to Covid-19, despite intervention and encouragement by several consumer bodies for eligible consumers to be refunded in a fair and timely manner. Positive progress has been made in this area for many consumers, however there are still those awaiting part or full …

Travel Refunds: Light at the End of the Tunnel…For Some Read More »

Halloween 2020 – Changed Days, Same Safety Considerations

Halloween 2020 is set to look and feel a lot different to previous years. With COVID-19 restrictions meaning limited contact with others and going door-to-door ‘trick or treating’ not being a viable option, many are choosing to spend the holiday at home, or out in the community at socially distanced events. With recent media coverage …

Halloween 2020 – Changed Days, Same Safety Considerations Read More »

Deadline Looming for Mortgage Repayment Holidays

Coronavirus has had an impact on many key areas for consumers. Job losses through redundancy and loss of income through reduced hours and closure of workplaces, has become an all-too familiar reality for many. It means that already-tight budgets are being stretched further and household expenditure is being pushed to breaking-point. In September, the Financial …

Deadline Looming for Mortgage Repayment Holidays Read More »

Coronavirus Restrictions (Scotland): Understanding the Changes in Practical Terms

On 22nd September 2020, the Scottish Government announced changes to coronavirus restrictions in Scotland that will take effect from 23rd September. These changes included: restrictions on household gatherings (no visiting other households) reinforcing the benefit of home working, where possible the introduction of a package of support for people who are asked to self-isolate (Details to be …

Coronavirus Restrictions (Scotland): Understanding the Changes in Practical Terms Read More »

COVID-19 & Faulty Goods: Know Your Rights

Throughout the public health crisis and resulting lockdown restrictions, has received a significant increase in the number of cases relating to faulty goods and safety concerns. Between April and July this year, we have seen faulty goods cases increase by nearly 110%. Since March, Scottish consumers have witnessed a seismic change in how they interact with, and …

COVID-19 & Faulty Goods: Know Your Rights Read More »